Happy New Moon – Happy Spring – April 10

Ahhhhhh. IMG_3356

That is the sound of me taking a deep breath as I feel the sun warming up and the flowers beginning to really open. It’s an amazing shift – this Spring time isn’t it? And here on Cape Cod in the Northeast it was a real winter this year, so Spring somehow feels even sweeter.

It reminds me of that teaching you often here, without the light, there is no dark, without the dark, there is no light. Or, wIthout sound, there is no silence, without silence,

there is no sound.

We are in a time of Unity consciousness, and we are birthing this in our bodies, our lives, and our communities. We are bringing forward the truth of what it means to know that we are One.  This can be challenging to remember and focus on when we live in a world that is always operating in duality and contrast.

This is why I meditate. This is why I offer the Rising Star Healing System. This is why I sing.  I have an inner knowing that all is well and we are here to know love and help each other. And the more I share this knowing,  the more it becomes real and true in my world. So thank you for sharing yourself with me and trusting and enjoying what I have to offer.  WIth this new moon energy, I recommit to myself, to the songs I write, the children I teach, and the energy I hold. I invite in joy, laughter, silliness, awakening, abundance, and more love, peace, truth, right-conduct & non-violence. And I am so grateful for SQ Wellness, which supports me on this journey as a professional and a spiritual being. If you are looking for tools on your journey be sure to visit their site. Also if you are looking for more specific cosmic astrology information ro the new moon report visit THE COSMIC PATH.

And if you haven’t heard my CD yet, go here. it will make you feel good. And I hope to see you tonight at the Chat in Dennis.


May all the seeds we plant inside and out, bring peace and abundance to all!

love love love

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