The Legacy of Linda O’Neill – Happy New Moon

Linda_August18I first met Linda O’Neill at a workshop she gave in NYC on relationships in 2005. At the time, I knew her as Derek O’Neill‘s wife and figured her workshop might be as good as his. Little did I know the profound and lasting impression her soul, being, and smile would leave in my life. I only knew her for a short time, but I was blessed to experience multiple moments with her in Ireland on week long workshops, as well as at the Creacon Lodge Retreat Center. Not too long after my own mother had passed I went to Creacon in August – exactly 7 years ago and arrived needing a lot of love. I probably couldn’t even admit how much love I needed. in fact, I was sitting in a lot of anger and sadness.

I arrived in Ireland at great expense hoping to see my teacher Derek in person and get all that love I longed for. The day I arrived, I learned that he had just flown to NYC (where I lived) to offer a very inexpensive workshop. I was a little confused to say the least. Why would I have travelled all the way to Ireland to see Derek and then discover he was in NYC where I had just come from? I will never forget how Linda was sitting next to me at breakfast when we got this news. She just smiled, turned her head a little and said, “Brings up all your issues, huh?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

The week unfolded and it was probably one of the most healing experiences of my life. Linda gave another workkhop at Creacon – timed with the one Derek did in NYC – and I received a direct healing from her. She also gifted me a shirt at one point, out of nowhere. It was as if my own mother was there saying: I love you. I see you. I am so proud of you. Linda had this gift of loving and serving people simply by being.

She also left an incredible legacy of service through the SQ Foundation. Much of what SQ Wellness, Creacon and the Foundation are exist because of her many years of living, loving and serving. Her children Gavin and Orla are perhaps the brightest and truest reflection of her being. I feel so grateful to have known her up close and personal for the brief moments I had and give incredible gratitude for how closely her energy still guides me, the rising star energy and so many others today.

Thank you Linda. A Rose for you. May all that you have begun continue to expand expand & expand.


love love love
